(NJA) Rastriya Nyaayik Pratishthan Published job vacancy notices

National Judicial Academy (NJA) Rastriya Nyaayik Pratishthan Published job vacancy notices for various posts and level. Rastriya Nyaayik Pratishthan Vacancy Committee Vacancy notice Information. Notice of permanent appointment through open, internal competition and evaluation of efficiency in the vacancies in this National Judicial Academy Service so that the written examination of open and internal competition is conducted by the Public Service Commission.

It is advised to apply within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of first publication of this information and within 7 (seven) days after paying double fee.
Application forms and courses can be downloaded from the Institute’s website (www.njanepal.org.np).
Date and Examination Center will be published later in coordination with the Public Service Commission.
Application form should be submitted to the office of the National Judicial Academy at Manmaiju.
The work to be done by the concerned post, salary, allowance and other facilities will be as per the rules of the establishment.