TU Exam Center Published of MBS MBA-E MPA MBM MHM & MTTM

Tribhuwan University TU recently published the exam center details of all over Nepal. TU Office of the Dean, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Master of Business Studies (M.B.S.), Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship (MBA E), Master of Business Management (MBM), Master of Hospitality Management (MHM) & Master of Travel & Tourism Management (MTTM) regular & partial examination program – 2020 examination center are published.

In the second and fourth semesters of the Master of Business Studies (MBS), Master of Public Administration (MPA) and MBA in Entrepreneurship (MBA E) programs conducted in a semester system by the Faculty of Management, Examination Control Division, MBS and MPA , MHM, MTTM & MBM and partial examinees who failed or absent Exam Center Information has been published by TU.
All the Examination Center of TU Exam are given below.